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Terms and Conditions



Bookings Means the instruction given by the Client to Property Inventories to prepare a Report of the Property.

Client  Means any estate agents, private landlords and / or tenants making a booking for a Report with Property Inventories.

Inventory Clerk Means an employee of Property Inventories providing front-end services and compiling the Report.

Property Means any property owned or rented by the Client, or their duly instructed estate agent, which is the subject of the Report.

Property Inventories  Means Property Inventories Limited and its related franchise operations (which are separately owned and run businesses) in the following areas: Harrow, Watford, Bromley, Enfield and Kent.

Report  Means any document prepared by Property Inventories on behalf of a Client including   inventories, check-in reports, check-out reports, mid-term reports and snagging.  Property Inventories is committed to providing an environmentally friendly and paperless service to its Clients to the fullest extent possible; accordingly, we encourage all of our Clients to make Bookings via email and to accept pdf copies of Reports wherever possible.  Hard copies of Reports are however available upon request.

1. Services

The Report provides an unbiased record of (i) the contents of the Property, (ii) the condition of the contents and (iii) the Property’s internal condition as at the date of the Report and is undertaken by an Inventory Clerk acting as an independent third party. The Inventory Clerk is not a qualified surveyor, nor an expert in antiques, fabrics, woods, metals etc. The Report is not an accurate description of every piece of furniture and equipment, nor is it a structural survey and cannot be relied upon as such. An opinion as to whether the items recorded in the Report are replica, reproduced or genuine is not being offered.


The Report is not a guarantee of, nor a report on, the functionality or safety of any of the Property’s contents, but merely a statement that the contents were viewed in the Property at the time the frontend services were undertaken by the Inventory Clerk in order to compile the Report.

2. Instructions

Property Inventories can take Bookings by telephone, works order or email and once a Booking is made, an agreement is deemed to exist between Property Inventories and the Client under these terms and conditions.


Bookings can often be accommodated at short notice or even on the same day, but it is advisable to give as much notice as possible to secure the time slot that you want. Please note that it is particularly busy around month-ends, at weekends and over the summer so if you can arrange Bookings outside of these times, there is more likely to be greater flexibility on available times.


If the Client appoints an agent to act as their representative, it is the responsibility of any such instructing agent making the Booking to advise their Client of these terms and conditions.


Where an email address is provided by the Client, Property Inventories will send an automated email to that email address confirming the Booking.

3. Opening Hours

The main office of Property Inventories is open to accept Bookings from 9am to 6pm from Mondays to Saturdays.


It may be possible to arrange out-of-hours appointments for Reports (i.e. evenings, Sundays or bank holidays) by prior arrangement and at an additional charge.

4. Turnaround Time

Property Inventories is committed to providing Reports within 48 hours (or two business days) of the visit to the Property whenever possible. If you require a Report to be turned around sooner, the Client is required to advise Property Inventories when making the Booking and we will do our best to accommodate your request.

5. Amendments

Amendments are inevitably occasionally required to Reports – if you require any amendments to be made, please submit these to Property Inventories by email within five business days of receipt of the Report. If the amendments are as a result of Property Inventories making an error or omission, additional copies of the Report will be supplied. If substantial changes are required to the Report (e.g. because the Property has been decorated or furnished since our visit), Property Inventories reserve the right to revisit the Property in order to inspect the changes before amending the Report – additional charges would apply in this case.

6. Charges

Prices for Reports vary according to the size of the Property and location in the UK; prices assume that the Property is furnished to a ‘rental furnished’ standard. Similarly, the Property is assumed to have a standard number of rooms for the prices that we charge per bedroom.


Should you require a copy of our current price list prior to making a Booking, please contact us on 020 7812 0490 or via email to  


Please note that Property Inventories is VAT registered and our VAT registration number is 888 3854 53; all prices quoted from our price list are therefore exclusive of VAT.  


Please note that the following extra charges may apply:


Furniture - Please note that 'rental furnished' assumes that the Property is lightly furnished for rental purposes. If the Property is heavily furnished, Property Inventories reserves the right to increase the charges to reflect the extra time incurred. Typically, this occurs when there are a large number of utensils in the kitchen, or significant amounts of ornaments or furniture in the Property.


Extra Rooms - Our pricing assumes that the Property contains one reception room, one bathroom, one toilet and one kitchen. If there are additional rooms, there will be an additional charge of £15.00 plus VAT per room.


Travel - Our pricing assumed that that Report is undertaken where public transport is within a

ten minutes’ walk of the Property. If however this is not the case, please contact us to discuss; an additional charge may apply in this instance.


Prices are subject to change without prior notice.

7. Payment of Invoices

VAT invoices will be raised and distributed at the same time in which the Report is distributed to the Client and payment can be made by any of the following methods:-


  • Direct bank transfer to the bank account details on the invoice.

  • Cheque made payable to ‘Property Inventories Limited’.

  • Cash given to the Inventory Clerk on the day of the confirmed Booking; or

  • Debit or Credit card by calling the head office (NB. please note that Property Inventories do not accept American Express).


Payment of invoices is required to be made strictly within 14 days of receipt. Property Inventories reserves the right to charge interest at the rate of 4% above the base rate of the Royal Bank of Scotland plc if payment is not received within this time.


Property Inventories also reserves the right to withhold the Report not fully paid for by the person making the Booking. Where the person making the Booking is an existing Client and their account is presently in arrears, Property Inventories may withhold the Reports and cancel future requests for Bookings until such arrears are settled in full.


For absolute clarity the person making the Booking is responsible for settling the invoices of Property Inventories in accordance with the aforementioned payment terms; this applies irrespective of receipt by themselves of their own clients’ funds.

8. Exclusions

Please note that Property Inventories takes the health and safety of our Inventory Clerks very seriously. The Inventory Clerk is not required to undertake appointments under any circumstances in which they feel threatened, unsafe or in danger in any way whatsoever. The person making the Booking has a duty of care to ensure that the Property is safe and to warn Property Inventories of any potential threats or hazards around the Property that should be avoided.


Please also note the following exclusions:


  • No requirement to inspect loft areas.

  • No requirement to inspect cellars unless they are accessible by a staircase, properly lit and constitute a proper room to be included in the tenancy.

  • No requirement to inspect any Property which is infested with any pests.

  • No requirement to move heavy items of furniture including appliances, beds, mattresses and sofas.

  • Mattresses will only be moved and inspected where the Inventory Clerk is safely able to do so.

  • No requirement to inspect any cupboard or storage areas above reasonable head height.

  • No requirement to read meters above head height (please note that the Inventory Clerk may be able to take a picture of the meter in such cases and take the reading from that, depending on the circumstances).

  • No requirement to read meters in a cellar or in areas under steps where it would be required to climb over rubbish or stored items to reach them.

  • No requirement to inspect locked rooms or packed boxes.

  • No requirement to enter a property with a dog or any other animal present unless the Client is also present and the Inventory Clerk is satisfied that the animal does not pose a threat in any way.

  • Lights, fire alarms CO alarms and/or smoke detectors are checked for working order only. Gas and electrical appliances are not tested. Under no circumstance is Property Inventories and / or the Inventory Clerk able to provide a qualified opinion of the Property’s gas and electrical safety profile, nor is it the responsibility of Property Inventories and / or the Inventory Clerk to schedule an inspection from a gas safe registered engineer or suitably qualified electrician.

  • No requirement to ensure items comply with the Furniture and Furnishings (Fire Safety) Regulations. Comments found in the Report such as ‘FFR label seen’ (or similar) give no guarantee of the item’s compliance with the Furniture and Furnishings (Fire Safety) regulations.

9. Cancellation Policy

By agreeing to accept a Booking from a Client, Property Inventories reserves a time slot and subsequently turns away other potential Bookings from that time slot. If therefore a Booking is cancelled by the Client for any reason whatsoever, the following charges will apply:


  • If the Booking is cancelled on the day of the agreed Booking (i.e. if keys are not available for the Property or the resident of the Property is not home to allow the Inventory Clerk access to the Property), the full charge will be payable.

  • If the Booking is cancelled after 12pm, on the day prior to the day of the agreed Booking, 50% of the charge will be payable.


For absolute clarity, if the Booking is cancelled before 12pm on the day prior to the day of the agreed Booking, no fee will be payable.

10. Keys

Property Inventories does not accept responsibility for any lost or unaccounted for keys for any Property.

11. Disputes

Property Inventories reserves the right not to attend court for any disputes arising out of a dilapidation assessment between the Client and any tenant of the Property if the Inventory Clerk did not prepare the initial Report and sign on behalf of the Client.  Providing the original Report was provided by Property Inventories, we will use reasonable endeavours to arrange for the relevant Inventory Clerk to attend court to give evidence regarding the Report and a separate fee will be chargeable in this regard.


In the event that the Client is in arrears, any Report prepared by Property Inventories may not be used in any court proceedings without the prior written consent of Property Inventories.

12. Exclusions of Liability & Indemnity

In the event that the Client gives Property Inventories instructions which are followed in good faith and which turn out to be unlawful or to result in an unlawful act or otherwise give rise to any kind of claim, the Client will provide Property Inventories with full indemnity for all penalties, damages, costs and legal expenses whatsoever which may occur as the result of the following the instructions.

13. Copyrights

Property Inventories name and logo is trademarked and protected from copying or using without prior written agreement.

14. Confidentiality

The Client undertakes that they shall use the information provided in our Reports solely for their own personal use and will at all times:-


  • Keep the information strictly confidential.

  • Not divulge or disclose all or any part of the information to any third party other than for the sole purpose of rental property.

  • Permit access to the information only to those of its officers or employees who need to know or use the same and ensure that such officers or employees comply with the above provisions.


15. Privacy

At Property Inventories, we respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data; our privacy notice, which explains how we will look after your personal data and informs you about your privacy rights under the General Data Protection Regulation, is available on our website using the following link


16. Jurisdiction and Governing Law

These terms and conditions shall be governed and construed by the law of England and Wales.


17. Complaints

Property Inventories aims to provide the highest standards of service to all our Clients and ensure that your interests are safeguarded. A complaints procedure has been introduced that provides for the matter to be dealt with internally by the manager and if the manager cannot deal with the issue to our mutual satisfaction, by reference to the managing director of Property Inventories.


If you believe you have a complaint, please write the first instance to the manager via email to  


Your complaint will be acknowledged within 48 hours (or two business days), investigated thoroughly per in-house procedures, and a formal reply will be sent to you within 15 working days of receipt of your complaint. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the manager's initial investigation, you are then at liberty to have the complaint reviewed by the managing director, and his decision shall be final.

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